I know, I know - it's not beer. Still, it'll pack a punch, and I've been playing around with the idea of a cider/apfelwein for some time now. So, on a whim today at the grocery store I decided to pull the trigger while I'm waiting for some beer yeast to come in the mail (empty fermenters make me sad). I picked up 3 gallons of Tree Top 100% Apple Juice, checked out, went home, and got to work. Let me just say that a cider/apfelwein "brewday" goes MUCH faster than beer, and that was perfect given I didn't start until about 3 pm. I inoculated with Red Star Premier Cuvee yeast, and I'll add a couple pounds of frozen strawberries once the initial fermentation is finished. If all goes well I should end up with something in the 6-6.5% ABV range. I'll post results when it's all said and done. Depending on how this turns out, I may incorporate ciders into my normal rotation. Cheers!
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